Monday, September 7, 2009

Paintings from this season...Gosh I need to blog more!

This is an acrylic painting done on canvas (16"x20")
I started out with texture paste and a palette knife to create the texture of the background. After the background was thoroughly dry, I scumbled dark midnight blue and prussian blue working my way into white towards the center. after the background was completely dried I sketched the drawing very loosely using a chalk pencil. I undercoated the cala lily using yellow. Then it was easier to block in with the white. On my final basecoat I started working some of the dark blue into the shadow areas. I continued to glaze in layers of shadow area. The leaves were done using a wet in wet technique with dark, medium and light values of green in the warmer tones. The impressionistic foxgloves were loosely painted in using cad orange and red moving in towards white. Every layer created a lighter value towards the tips. The spike leaves were stroked on using a mid value green. I glazed in the shadows at the bottom of the leaves.

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