Monday, September 28, 2009


The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog

What do you get when you cross a girl who "loves to paint" and a boy who loves to race cars (and crash them too!)??? The combination made for an interesting project this month. My other half and his race team crashed a sprint car a couple weeks ago. In order to get the car prepared for the next race they had to do some creative parts wheeling and dealing. They ended up with sprint car wings that were a very bright Orange. They asked if I would paint the numbers on the side for them. I told them only if I get creative bossiness did not take much to come out in me! Our sponser is monster energy - so when I saw the color of the wings, and with it being so close to Halloween, I could not resist. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed the painting process. I ended up getting a new set of brushes out of the deal because the enamel paints destroyed mine. I also dropped the hint to my other half that perhaps he might want to get me an airbrush set for


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ever Have One Of Those Pieces That Likes To Reinvent Itself?

I had been working on a painting for quite awhile and I finally completed it. It started out as a very simplistic painting until I let the little voice in the back of my head take over. I'm glad I took pictures of it along my journey because now you can get a quick glimpse into an artist's mind (one that seems to have A.D.D. at It is quite a large canvas. Hope you enjoy looking at the process. You will find the final Version of "Van Gogh's Rising in my Gallery store at
Phase one

Phase Two

Phase Two/Close View

Phase Three - Completed

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog: "I was feeling a little nostalgic today so I decided to post some pictures of the very first oil paintings I did (I used to only paint in acrylic). It would have been done in about 2001. Hope you enjoy looking at it. Please take a moment to remember all who lost their lives in the tragic 9/11 attacks. May we all love each other and not allow these people to have died in vain...."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog:
Spirit Of The HooDoos Completed
Posted by cheryltoddshergold at 08:43 PM on August 29, 2009 comments (1)

I just finished this peice I called 'Spirit Of the Hoo Doos'. I have always been fascinated with these wind swept rock formations. The native belief is that the hoo doo is a spirit of an elder. I enjoyed painting this piece so much that I am fairly sure you will see a collection to come. This 24'x36' oil on canvas can be found in my gallery store. Please scroll through to see the progression through to completion.
Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Final Phase - complete

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog:

Posted by cheryltoddshergold at 03:20 PM on June 26, 2009 comments (0)

I would like to extend a personal invitation to all of you to attend an annual Show and sale. This is put on by the Airdrie Artist Guild (which I am a member) to showcase all of our hard work through out the year. The guild will be a part of Airdrie's Centennial Celebrations this year as well. Watch for us in at the activities being held in September. There will be alot of new art work to display as well as we will be hosting an open Art competion themed Future, Past & Present. There will be prizes allotted in both children and adult categories. Watch the guild web site (link for Rockyview Art club found on my Links page) for further information.

A little Giddy from the honour!
Posted by cheryltoddshergold at 12:48 PM on June 23, 2009 comments (0)

Well I am so excited as I type this. My painting of my daughter Kyndra on a garden stone was picked to sit on the homepage of a very big YAHOO group about rock painting. It is quite an honor. I love all the people in this group as they are all so supportive.

Check the group out...they will make you want to paint everything concrete in your yard! HAVE FUN!"

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog

The Art Of Cheryl Todd Shergold - Blog: "I love when I have to stay up into the wee hours of the morning because people call you and need something right away for a gift! So as blurry eyed as I am, I am thankful to those people because they are the ones that keep me going! I successfully completed two paintings last night (unfortunately they are sold) that touched on the topic of rural Alberta. We have many birch trees around here and they are so beautiful in any season. When the wind blows it is almost as if the leaves are talking to you - telling you the secrets of their past. Everyday we need to stop and observe something natural. It is art in itself."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Potted Tulips

16"x20" Acrylic on canvas

Paintings from this season...Gosh I need to blog more!

This is an acrylic painting done on canvas (16"x20")
I started out with texture paste and a palette knife to create the texture of the background. After the background was thoroughly dry, I scumbled dark midnight blue and prussian blue working my way into white towards the center. after the background was completely dried I sketched the drawing very loosely using a chalk pencil. I undercoated the cala lily using yellow. Then it was easier to block in with the white. On my final basecoat I started working some of the dark blue into the shadow areas. I continued to glaze in layers of shadow area. The leaves were done using a wet in wet technique with dark, medium and light values of green in the warmer tones. The impressionistic foxgloves were loosely painted in using cad orange and red moving in towards white. Every layer created a lighter value towards the tips. The spike leaves were stroked on using a mid value green. I glazed in the shadows at the bottom of the leaves.