Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ken - This one is inspired by YOU! -"On The Road To Morocco"

My good friend Ken LeBlanc is an awesome photographer. You can find his link here on my page. He took this shot on his way to Fez, Morocco and when I saw it I immediately connected with it. Please check out his beautiful shots! Thank you Ken for being my eyes around the world!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Brothers Keeper

I must be in my "Wolf Phase" as I just completed yet another painting (24"x36" Acrylic) that I called My Brothers Keeper...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Commission Completed - Hidden Wolves

This commission I just completed definately was out of my comfort zone. I have learned to appreciate the jobs that push you to create something you otherwise might not attemp. It is a 16"x40" Acrylic. Check it out....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

True Peace Can Be Ours

This is the second painting in a collection that I have described as my Environment/World Collection

Friday, December 4, 2009

Stolen Hat

There is a little bit of a story behind this picture. I was at a party one night and encountered a gentleman with the coolest hat I have ever seen. I convinced him to give it to me so I could paint it into one of my pictures. He reluctantly obliged (the prompting from all my friends didn't hurt) He was aware that I was an artist and he trusted me. I finally did return his hat after some months but never got around to painting an image of it. Finally last night it came to me. Hope you like it!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It Was Never Ours

I just finished this painting today and I love how it turned out. I am forever being concerned about the state of the world and our environment. I wanted to express that through my painting abilities and I found it an effortless task painting content that I could relate to and immerse myself in. Hopefully more to come...